People like to eat kiwi because it looks attractive once it has been cut, and because of it’s interesting tangy taste. It is also nutrient dense, which means it is high in essential nutrient. It is extremely beneficial for the body and is low on calories.
Some of the benefits of Kiwi are:-
1. Helps in digesting enzymes
Raw kiwi help in digesting enzymes found in fruits. Enzymes such as papian in papaya and bromelain in pineapple (both enzymes increase the risk of abortion during pregnancy).
2. Optimizes Blood Pressure
The level of potassium in Kiwi plays a role in maintaining electrolyte balance by counteracting with sodium.
3. Antioxidant Rich
Due to the high level of antioxidants, kiwi prevents the cell’s DNA from oxidative changes, stops premature ageing and makes skin beautiful.
4. Boosts immunity
Kiwi’s high Vitamin C content along with other antioxidant compounds has been proven to boost the immune system by fighting with the nucleic acid of the virus and also fights bacteria until they are dead.
5. Low glycemic index
Kiwi has a lower glycemic index because of it’s high fibre content. The fibre content even prevents sudden increase in blood sugar levels, which is why kiwi is also good for diabetics.
6. Helps in weight loss
Due to it’s higher fibre content, Kiwi has a higher satiety value which prevents overeating.
7. Improves digestion
Kiwi improves digestion by preventing constipation and other intestinal problems. This is due to it’s high fibre content.
8. Helps clean out toxins
The fibre found in Kiwi binds and moves toxins from the intestinal tract
9. Prevent heart disease
Eating 2-3 kiwis a day has been shown to reduce the potential of blood clotting by 18% and reduce triglycerides by 15%.
10. Protects from eye problems
Macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in older adults. Eating 3 or more servings of kiwi every day decreases macular degeneration by 36%. This is thought to be associated with the kiwi’s high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin — both of which are natural chemicals found in the human eye.
Make Kiwi an essential part of your regular diet and benefit from it.