Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to break through the gums. They grow at the very back of a person's mouth. There are normally four wisdom teeth in total, with one in each of the furthest corners of the top and bottom gums.

Symptoms of wisdom teeth infection

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Jaw pain
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Bad breath
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Difficulty opening your mouth


You can't keep an impaction from occurring, but keeping regular six-month dental appointments for cleaning and checkups enables your dentist to monitor the growth and emergence of your wisdom teeth. Regularly updated dental X-rays may indicate impacted wisdom teeth before any symptoms develop.

Treatment for wisdom teeth infection

Infections caused by wisdom teeth can be treated:

  • by improving oral hygiene in the area
  • by having the area cleaned by a dentist
  • sometimes, by the prescription of antibiotics 

However, the infection may keep coming back if problem teeth are not removed. People who have other health problems, especially people with lower immunity, may have complications from these infections.