Sunflower is a strong plant, highly resistant to insects. It seeds are therefore unlikely to be contaminated, except by airborne pollutants.
- It is beneficial to eyesight, skin, and fingernails and for high blood pressure. Its protein content is higher than all of other seeds.
- It is concentrated source of vitamins A, D, E and B complex. They are also rich in minerals, including iron, potassium, magnesium, copper and calcium. Their vitamin E content is particularly impressive 100gm of kernels contain 30 IU.
- Sunflower seed oil contains a high concentration of unsaturated (essential) fatty acids. These help the body to use fats properly, reduce cholesterol levels, and stimulate the burning of stored body fat.
- Sunflower seed oil can be used as an all purpose kitchen oil. It is best used in its raw state as a salad dressing. It can also be incorporated in butter.
- Sunflower seed oil must be packed in glass bottles, and caps must be tightly secured after use to prevent it oxidising and turning rancid.
- A unique way of using them is as sunflower yogurt.
- Sunflower oil has a higher essential fatty acid content. In terms of linoleic acid sunflower seeds are nearly top of the list. Replacing some saturated fats with cold pressed oil is highly beneficial.