Whether you slept in a funky position last night or you have been sitting and staring tensely at your computer for hours on end, neck pain happens. And a crick in the neck is not only annoying and painful, but it can also lead to headaches and upper back pain. To help reduce the aches and pains try a few of these satisfying stretches. After taking a long, hot shower to help loosen the muscles, try a few (or all) of them for a little instant relief. You'll feel better and maybe you’ll even stand a bit taller.

Stretch through the front of your neck, chest, and shoulders with this relaxing heart opener.

Begin sitting on the heels as if coming into Reclining Hero pose. Lean back and place your palms flat on the floor about eight to 10 inches behind you so your fingertips are pointing away. Press your hands firmly into the ground to lift the chest high, arching your back and pushing your hips into your heels. To increase the stretch, lower your head behind you, stretching through your throat and the front of your chest even more. Stay for 30 seconds, then lift your head and torso up.