Case studies on patients whose stress-induced backache was treated with Homeopathy
1. A 32 yr old lady, married for 3 years was referred to me by an orthopaedic doctor. She complained of backache for almost 2 years. Back pain was changeable, it was sometimes at lumbar or cervical region. She also had weakness and dullness. The orthopedic was treating her since few months but in vain. Her X-ray and blood reports were normal.
After taking her case in detail, I came to know that she had conflicts with her husband and in-laws. She was depressed, stressed and hurt.
The above case clearly showed that her physical symptoms were stress induced i.e. psychosomatic disease. Physical symptoms caused due to high level of stress are called psychosomatic disorders like migraine headaches, urticaria, eczema, psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome, hair fall and allergic rhinitis etc.
I treated her with constitutional homeopathic medication and counselling. She was cured with in few months.
2. As a homeopathic physician and a stress counsellor, what suggestions do you recommend to combat this problem?
When people are experiencing stress, muscles tighten. Tightening of the muscles is not harmful, but can end up causing pain for many people. The reason pain typically accompanies tight muscles is due to the muscles squeezing the blood vessels, blocking some of the blood flow to the muscles. Since blood carries oxygen to the muscles, this means the muscles are becoming deprived of oxygen, which is what creates the pain.
Homeopathic treatments help to successfully deal with stress and the complaints that they present. By looking at the body as a whole, homeopathy can help resolve the core underlying issues as well as the symptoms. Homeopathy works to correct the underlying causes to distress.