These muscles primarily originate at the pubis and insert at the femur and tibia.  The main reason we will want to focus on the lower adductors will be to initiate a relaxation of the stabilizers in the region closest to the knee.  Since the intrinsic core stability system does not typically work well in most individuals, a lateral shifting in the pelvis is created that will eventually send a shockwave of deficiency down the leg and into the lower adductors.  When poor rotational dynamics are set in place during the gait cycle, the adductors of the lower end will take a measurable amount of pressure. 

Since the anterior oblique system is composed of the internal obliques, external obliques and adductors, when that connection is severed at the intrinsic core systems, the knees will tend to want to dip inward in a compensatory state.  This is when this region of the inner thigh will usually take unnecessary loads.  This is a hugely important region to release for effective pain free transitioning towards function.  There is also a very powerful adductor magnus muscle that will actually externally rotate the hip.  

This will promote that duck walking stance commonly seen. This area generally tends to be very tender due to the compensations it endures on a regular basis.  I myself tend to prefer using the flat surface of my forearm to release this muscle.  Since I can directly feel the contours of the musculature, I can get a better idea of what specific area(s) may need more release.


Utilizing the elbow in this context can be quite effective in releasing the adductor musculature. Since you can feel the direct contours of the muscles, it will equate to a better release overall. Be sure to not use the point of the elbow, rather more the flat portion of the forearm.


 Position the inner portions of the thigh on the pvc pipe while turning your upper body sideways. Since this isn’t necessarily the largest region to target, it will not be necessary to move the leg much while doing this technique. This is generally a spot that can be pretty tender, so be sure to ease into it.