Salicylic acid peels are a type of
 beta hydroxyl peel and the name salicylic acid is a common ingredient
used to treat acne. There is no surprise that these peels are treated as
 perfect for treating the acne and he clogged pores. They can be quite
penetrating and stronger than an AHA peel. As this acid is more suitable
 for every skin type, individuals with oily and acne prone skin prefer
this treatment to get the best outcome.

What are the functions of salicylic acid peel?

A salicylic acid peel for acne is a
superficial and light chemical peel which affects the outermost layers
of the skin and is limited to the epidermis and does not damage the
deeper layers. Mainly, it helps to treat and improve:

  • Oily and congested skin

  • Clogged pores

  • Blackheads and acne

best and effective and if you are trying to reduce pigmentation, then
the peels prove to be perfect to treat and have problem free skin.

How does it work?

Initially, as the first step, the face is cleansed and prepared for
the treatment. The peel is applied to the skin. After that you will feel
 a warm and itching sensation and may even make your skin turn red.
Usually, this peel is left on the skin for nearly 10 to 25 minutes and
the concentration will differ based on the situation which you are
treating. Generally, a characteristic salicylic peel will have 30%
concentration due to its limited side effects and quick treatment, which
 is known as the lunchtime peel to many.

You can apply it for every two weeks till you get the desired results
and are recommended to wait for about two weeks after a single treatment
 for better results.