The human body must continuously be supplied with energy to perform its many complex functions. Food provides energy for physical activity. As you get more physically active, your requirement of energy also increases.

  • Carbohydrates- Fuel of preference and the critical food stuff for the active person. It should contribute to 55% or more of the daily caloric intake. Complex carbohydrates are preferable to simple ones. They take longer to digest, provide a more sustained source of blood glucose, and are metabolised preferentially into glycogen. Simple sugars on the other hand are less efficient to maintain body’s glycogen stores. They are mainly converted to fatty acids stored as fat. Simple carbohydrates also provoke a sharper insulin response. In addition, complex carbohydrates supply needed fiber, vitamin, and minerals.
  • Fatigue & exhaustion are tied to glycogen depletion during high intensity and long duration activity. Thus having an adequate supply of muscle glycogen is necessary if one has to avoid fatigue.
  • Protein-  Protein is needed to maintain and rebuild tissues such as muscle. 
  • Protein intake should be 15-20% of total calories. The type of activity and total calorie intake influences protein requirement. High protein diets increase the water requirement necessary to eliminate nitrogen through urine.
  • Fat- Fat should not exceed 20-25% of the total caloric intake. Fat must be present in adequate amount, too less or too much both have adverse effect.
  • Vitamins and Minerals- If you are a more physically active person, you need more vitamins and minerals especially iron, ascorbic acid (vitamin c), Complex vitamins & calcium.
  • Water - To replace water loss through activity.
  • Eating healthy diet is most important to maintained yourself  physically fit & active. The diet should contains different types of foods in such quantities & proportions so that the need for calories , proteins ,minerals ,vitamins & other nutrients is adequately met.
  • Inclusion of  cereals , vegetables , fruits , wholegrains, fat free milk & milk products, Nuts. Eggs & Poultry are the healthy choices.
  • Avoid inclusion of excess amount of sodium, saturated fats & simple sugar, refined flour products.