A 28yrs, male came to us with the chief complaint of Psoriasis since last 15 yrs with acute exacerbation since last 2 weeks. He has visited several dermatologists and taken medicines and topical ointments including steroids. His psoriasis started with small eruptions on legs and back for which he started taking treatment from leading dermatologists. He felt better with the allopathic treatment temporarily. But the eruptions recurred on new body parts and each time it relapsed with more intensity. He has typical psoriatic eruptions- dry, scaly patches on the back, abdomen, elbows, eye brows, legs up to the knee, ankle, feet. Skin is cracked which bleeds on itching.
He also complained of gaseous distension, weakness and frequent colds.
In homeopathy disease is not just a sum of few symptoms or a “label of diagnosis”, but the disturbances at energy level, mind and body level. In a nutshell, homeopathic science analyses every individual having an illness rather than the illness of an individual; medicines are “patient-specific” and not “disease-specific”.
Below is a brief summary of the history provided during history taking:
He is tired of taking treatment as his complaints keep recurring. He says, he has to invest so much money and the return is no permanent solution to it.
He feels worthless, humiliated with the eruptions all over his body. He says, "People talk bad things about these patches, that it is contagious, they treat me like untouchable and I feel insulted".
He feels disrespected when he goes to meet people for work or within family. He says I have to wear shirt with full sleeves to cover up the patches. It is noteworthy to mention that the patient is an agent/ does labour work in iron industry. However, his talks are about big things.
After an in-depth analysis patient was prescribed Sulphur 6C in infrequent repetitions and was under treatment for over 1 year. All his other medicines and ointments were stopped at the commencement of homeopathic treatment. Patient was advised to keep his skin hydrated with coconut oil. Patient had a couple of exacerbations during the entire duration of treatment, however, the intensity and duration became better as the treatment progressed. Patient responded immediately after the treatment with initial reduction in scales, cracks and finally the itching and entire eruptions.
Patient is asymptomatic over last 1 year and is currently off treatment.
Note: The treatment in homeopathy is very individualistic and holistic which means it is patient centric and not disease centric. Sulphur should not be used in all cases of psoriasis unless indicated.based on patient’s physical and mental make-up.