Psoriasis is a non-contagious common skin condition that causes rapid skin cell reproduction resulting in red, dry patches of thickened skin. The dry flakes and skin scales are thought to result from the rapid build-up of skin cells. Psoriasis commonly affects the skin of the elbows, knees, and scalp.
Some people have such mild psoriasis (small, faint dry skin patches) that they may not even suspect that they have a medical skin condition. Others have very severe psoriasis where virtually their entire body is fully covered with thick red, scaly skin.
Psoriasis is considered a long-term (chronic) skin condition. Some people have a worsening of their symptoms in the colder or winter months. Many people report improvement in warmer months, climates, or with increased sunlight exposure.
Patients with more severe psoriasis may have social embarrassment, job stress, emotional distress, and other personal issues because of the appearance of their skin.
Five main types of psoriasis.
- Erythrodermic - The skin redness is very intense and covers a large area.
- Guttate - Small, pink-red spots appear on the skin.
- Inverse - Skin redness and irritation occurs in the armpits, groin, and in between overlapping skin.
- Plaque - Thick, red patches of skin are covered by flaky, silver-white scales. This is the most common type of psoriasis.
- Pustular - White blisters are surrounded by red, irritated skin.
The following may trigger an attack of psoriasis or make the condition more difficult to treat:
- Bacteria or viral infections, including strep throat and upper respiratory infections,
- Dry air or dry skin Injury to the skin, including cuts, burns, and insect bites,
- Some medicines, including antimalaria drugs, beta-blockers, and lithium,
- Stress,
- Too little sunlight Too much sunlight (sunburn),
- Too much alcohol
Symptoms of Psoriasis
Plaque psoriasis
- Raised and thickened patches of reddish skin called “plaques,” which are covered by silvery-white scales. Plaques most often appear on the elbows, knees, scalp, chest, and lower back. However, they can appear anywhere on the body, including the genitals.
- Plaques vary in size and can appear as distinct patches or join together to cover a large area.
- In the early stages, psoriasis may be unnoticeable. The skin may itch and/or a burning sensation may be present.
- Plaque psoriasis usually first appears as small red bumps. Bumps gradually enlarge, and scales form. While the top scales flake off easily and often, scales below the surface stick together. The small red bumps develop into plaques (reddish areas of raised and thickened skin).
- Skin discomfort. The skin is dry and may be painful. Skin can itch, burn, bleed, and crack. In severe cases, the discomfort can make it difficult to sleep and focus on everyday activities.
Guttate Psoriasis
- Drop-sized, red dots form, usually on the trunk, arms, and legs. Lesions occasionally form on the scalp, face, and ears.
- Lesions widespread.
- Appears quickly, usually a few days after a strep throat or other trigger, such as a cold, tonsillitis, chicken pox, skin injury, or taking certain medications.
- Can first appear as another form of psoriasis, such as plaque psoriasis, and turn into guttate psoriasis.
Pustular Psoriasis
- Psoriasis confined to certain areas (localized), usually the palms and soles. This is known as “palmoplantar psoriasis”
- Generalized pustular psoriasis is a rare and severe form of psoriasis that can be life-threatening, especially for older adults. Hospitalization may be required.
- Generalized pustular psoriasis may be triggered by an infection such as strep throat, suddenly stopping steroids, pregnancy, and taking certain medications such as lithium or systemic cortisone.
Generalized pustular psoriasis:
- Widespread areas of fiery-red swollen, skin covered with small, white, pus-filled blisters
- Person feels exhausted and ill,
- Fever,
- Chills,
- Severe itching,
- Rapid pulse rate,
- Loss of appetite,
- Muscle weakness,
- Anaemia
Inverse Psoriasis
- Red and inflamed plaques that only occur in skin folds, armpits, in the genital area, between the buttocks, and under the breasts.
- Scale usually does not form, and the lesions are shiny and smooth.
- Skin very tender.
- Lesion easily irritated, especially by rubbing and perspiration.
- More prevalent in people who are overweight.
- Many people have another type of psoriasis elsewhere on the body.
Erythrodermic - Exfoliative Psoriasis
- Severe redness and shedding of the skin that covers a large portion of the body.
- Skin looks as if it has been burned.
- Fluctuating body temperature, especially on very hot or cold days.
- Accelerated heart rate due to increased blood flow to the skin can complicate heart disease and cause heart failure.
- Severe itching and pain.
- Skin red, swollen, and dotted with pus-filled lesions.
- Pus-filled lesions dry, leaving behind brown dots and/or scale.
- Affected areas tender and sore.
- Using hands or walking often painful.
Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis
Usually in conventional treatment used a steroid to treat Psoriasis. But in homoeopathy system of medicines, we never use a steroid to treat Psoriasis. We treat under symptom similarity. Symptomatic constitutional Homoeo medicines help for psoriasis.