• Psoriasis a chronic skin disease characterized by an unpredictable course of remissions and relapses.
  • It is a common skin condition affecting 2-3% of the population almost equal in males: females. 
  • It appears as sorted elevated patches with loose silvery scales at typical sites like the scalp, elbow, knees outer aspect of limbs, palms and soles.
  • It is a multi-factorial genetic disease around 30% of people have a family history of the condition.
  • The condition appears when triggered by an environmental factor. (winter generally worsens), whereas dry and sunny climates are helpful.
  • Also, stressful life events, infections with certain bacteria, viruses, skin injuries and reaction to certain medications can cause it.
  • It is not contagious does not spread from person to person· 
  • There are many topical and systematic medicines taken, internally to treat psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis (There are about 8-10 variations in psoriasis). 

A drug that cures psoriasis is yet to be discovered. Mild psoriasis- can be treated with emollients, topical Corticosteroids, calcipotriene,  vitD analogues, tazarotene, tars, anthratin etc. Moderate to severe psoriasis treatment Includes phototherapy,  methotrexate acitretin, cyclosporine and Biologic agents.  

Biological therapies are the latest advancement in psoriasis. work with the dermatologist to find treatment options that reduce or eliminate your symptoms.

What works for one person for psoriasis might not work for another 


Dietary supplementation with fish oil (eicosa pentanoic acid) daily, around 12mg for 6 weeks may improve it. Alcohol and smoking worsen psoriasis. Treatment is concerned with control rather than cure.

No conventional, alternative, treatments exists that can cure psoriasis.