Pregnancy comes with a lot of changes in your body and the mouth isn’t any different. When you’re pregnant, you have to resort to a slightly different lifestyle to keep your oral & general health at check.

A different means of caring for your teeth is also important as pregnant women often suffer from different problems not present before pregnancy such as gum diseases, gingivitis, decay and general worsened oral health. Because of these issues, here are some important oral health care tips for pregnant women:

Try substituting sugary snacks for healthier, more nutritious foods

 With pregnancy comes cravings; however, try to keep healthier snacks as part of your cravings, if possible. This is an ideal time to have nutritious foods that you may have never tried before to make part of your diet. You may grow to love these healthier snacks. Providing the proper vitamins and minerals for your oral health is important, especially during pregnancy.

Pay extra attention to your oral health

If you notice signs and symptoms of gum disease or other oral problems within the mouth, it’s important to consult a dentist regarding these problems as soon as possible. Don’t shrug these problems off as these issues could worsen overtime or turn into something more if not quickly treated or cured. Also, during pregnancy a lot of medicines are contra-indicated, so do not self-medicate at home. You may cause more harm than good by doing that.

Keep up with your oral health routine more than ever before

Skipping out on a brushing or two or “forgetting” to floss your teeth daily are not good measures to make, especially during pregnancy. In addition to this, it’s important that you brush at least twice a day, floss between each and every tooth, lightly massage your gums and clean your tongue. Many of these are lacking in the average, everyday person that should be done especially by pregnant women who are more prone to oral-related issues.

Continue attending your biannual dental visits

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be attending your dental appointments on a biannual basis. These are more important than ever before. Be sure to notify your dentist that you’re expecting to ensure the proper dental care takes place for your specific situation.

You must visit your dentist in your second trimester (4th– 6th month) of pregnancy irrespective of your biannual visit as it is considered the safest period for carrying out any dental procedures, if required.

Overall, pregnant or not, the vital oral care routine should take place in addition to dental visits. Oral health is more important than one could ever imagine, impacting your overall health in more ways than one. Especially for pregnant women, because they are more vulnerable to oral health problems, the proper oral routine, nutritious meals, and overall dental care are more necessary than ever before. Talk to your gynaecologist or dentistabout the complications in pregnancy arising due to neglecting oral health.