Pranic healing is the healing technique, using universal energy (also known as prana). Prana means vital energy or the life force. Which we absorbed from 3 major sources The Sun,The Air, and The Earth. Every human body has two types of body one is the physical body and another is the Energy body.Our body is the source of energies, every Energy body consists of 7 Chakras orenergy centers, and chakras are whirling energy centers that control a specific organ or have a role in the proper functioning of that certain organ. The Energy body consists of 2 elements the inner aura and the outer aura. If the energy or aura is stable then the physical body remains healthy and if the aura is unstable the physical body becomes disturbed. Pranic healing cleanses the energy body and makes the physical body healthy. In the life of an ordinary person from childhood, many bad things happen like fear, stress, argument, frustration,which are all stored inside our aura like negative energy, and these stored negative energy will later appear as disease, pain, or psychological disorders.Some people favoured to drink to temporarily forget about their difficulties some other smoke which enhances their problems in the long run, some take medicine which most probably will clear the symptoms temporarily and comebackin the future.So what is the solution? Just as we take adaily shower to clean our physical body we also have to clean our energy body.For cleaning the energy body there is a solution available that is PRANIC HEALING with pranic healing wecan identify the problems and inner obstacles and carefully remove them fromthe aura using a procedure in which there is no need for contact and any instrument. These energy centers continuously absorb fresh energy from the surroundings and expel used up and deceased energy back into the surroundings. When there is anaccumulation of deceased energy in any of these energy centers they start malfunctioning and in the long run, the physical organ control by this energy center also gets affected. If by some means this deceased energy is removed from the affected energy center it starts functioning at optimum level and the corresponding physical organ starts functioning healthily again.In case of any disease of physical discomfort in any part of the body, for example, pain in the knee joint it is observed that the energy body of the knee area is disturbed, which is not normal. By applying pranic healing whenthis deceased energy is removed and replaced with fresh energy, the personsuffering from discomfort finds relief and is healed. This may happen in one session or it may take a few sessions depending on the severity of the ailment.In pranic healing we removethis deceased energy from the affected area, this process is called cleansing.When the affected area is relatively cleanthen we infuse fresh cosmic energy in this area, this process is called energizing.Thesetwo basic principles are the basis of pranic healing. Pranic healing can help you with Stress, proper self-esteem, inner peace and happiness, better memory and concentration, recharged body and improved health, enhance energeticsensitivity, healing ability, and intuition, etc. 

Wehave pranic healing & chakra healing facility available at our clinic.