We all know that sodium is detrimental to our kidneys. However, you will be surprised to know that potassium, phosphorus & even fluids(including water) can further harm the kidneys of a patient with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). So, if you are suffering from CKD, a proper diet can prevent any more renal damage in the long run.

Take into consideration these 3 categories for a better renal health:

1. Kidney-friendly foods to be consumed.

2. Foods to stay away from.

3. Foods to be restricted. 

Foods to be consumed & the reason they are kidney-friendly:-


1. White rice     –  low in potassium.

2. White bread –  low in potassium.

3. Corn              –  low in phosphorus.

4. Buckwheat

 5. Bulgur

Vitamins and minerals: 

1. Pineapples     -   low in potassium.

2. Apples            -  low in potassium.

3. Cranberries, strawberries

    & blueberries –  low in potassium.

4. Melons           –  low in potassium.

5. Peaches         –  low in potassium.

6. Cabbage        –  low in potassium.

7. Cauliflower    -  low in potassium. 

8. Radish            –  low in potassium.

9. Bell peppers  –  low in potassium.

"Tip! Pre-soaking your vegetables in water for 1-2 hours can help in reducing their potassium levels."


1. Egg whites &

2. Skinless chicken in limited quantities. 


    Good fats like olive oil, corn oil, etc. 

Foods to stay away from & why? :-

1. Salt & salted foods like pickles, dried fish, etc. - high in sodium.

"Tip : Use onion, garlic, home-made spices & herbs to add flavors to a salt-less diet"

2. Packaged foods like chips, biscuits, etc. - high in sodium. 

3. Instant or pre-made foods like noodles - high in sodium.

4. Carbonated drinks like dark colas - high in phosphorus. 

5. Bananas, avocados, oranges, tomatoes & potatoes – high in potassium. 

6. Milk & other dairy products- high in protein & phosphorus.

7. Brown rice & brown bread - high in potassium.

8. Whole grains - high in potassium.

9. Seeds - high in phosphorus.

10. Jaggery & candies - high in potassium.

Foods to be restricted:-

1.     Water

2.     Fluid diet : soups, juices, coconut water, etc.

        "Chronically diseased kidneys do not have the ability to get rid of excess fluid as well as the normal ones. The excess fluid build up can raise your blood pressure & lead to heart & lung failure."

3.     Proteins: Instead of red meat, intake skinless chicken & egg whites in moderation.

         "A high protein diet increases the renal workload & does more damage than good"

4.     Dried fruits: raisins, dried dates, etc.

5.     Nuts.

 Remember that the above list varies according to your age, the stage of CKD you are in & other associated factors. Talk to your nutritionist & customize your diet accordingly.