Sleep is an essential, active, and dynamic physiologic process that has a critical impact on health, development, and daytime function. Maintaining good sleep hygiene in infants & toddlers is important for their overall health & wellbeing and optimal functioning. Insufficient sleep leads to poor health.  few tips for good sleep in infants & toddlers ---

 Sleep scheduling –Stick to a sleep schedule of the same bedtime and wake up time, even on the weekends. Consistency makes it much easier to fall asleep and wake easily. 

 Establish a consistent Bedtime routine –Practice a bedtime routine. This can include activities like bathing, reading a book ,or singing lullabies . Avoid use of electronics at least 30 minutes before habitual bedtime and in the middle of the night if nocturnal awakenings occur. The blue light emitted from computer screens and handheld devices can suppress natural melatonin production, resulting in difficulty falling asleep.  

 Encourage day time Napping –Proper napping during days helps ensure good night time sleep for infants &toddlers. 

 Limit screen time &stimulating activities before bed –Avoid exposing your child top screens a few hours before sleep. 

 Avoid late night feedings --As your child grows older, gradually wean them off night time feeding so they don’t become dependent on feeding to fall asleep .

Create a soothing Sleep environment – Maintain a sleep environment conducive to sleep. The bedroom should be comfortably cool (20-22 *), quite & dark. Use of black curtains or shades ensure the room stays dark during sleep. 

Respond to night time awakening appropriately–When wakes up at night, respond calmly & quietly. Every child is unique & their sleep need may vary .

it is important to consult with your child specialist if u have any concern about your child sleep pattern.

Dr Surender Kumar 

Pediatrician & Neonatologist 

Milestone Kids Clinic & Motherhood Hospital Gurgaon