• Fish Must be Eaten During Pregnancy for its Rich Nutritional Value

There is nothing fishy about eating seafood during pregnancy. Pregnant women keep breaking their heads on the list of things they can’t eat and false information about seafood is available all around. The simple truth is that, pregnant women can eat and should eat fish (with a few exceptions).

There is not One, but Many Reasons to Eat Fish

Although the fact is that not all types of fishes are safe to consume during pregnancy, avoiding seafood totally can have adverse effects. Pregnant women should eat no more than 225 to 340 grams of safe sea food every week. And, here’s why. 

Fish contains abundant protein and iron. Carrying women require a minimum of at least 27 milligrams of iron a day (up from 18 milligrams pre-pregnancy) to protect themselves against anemia and 71 grams of protein daily (up from 46 grams) to support the baby’s growth and a woman’s own physical changes. Soon-to-be moms must take extra care to make sure that they get adequate quantities of protein during pregnancy. Fish comes into picture here because of its increased protein and iron content.

The mother-to-be and the baby require omega-3 fatty acids. Oily fish such as wild salmon and sardines are high in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid. These omega-3’s help to minimize inflammation and aid in infant brain development. Hence, consuming omega-3-rich proteins like fish is healthy for pregnant women.

Tolerance level to certain foods may narrow your diet. 

Even when expectant mothers are advised to eat a variety of healthy foods, pregnancy may limit your food tolerances. Fish is a nutrient-rich food and carrying mothers must add it to their diet if it is within their limitations. 

As omega-3 fatty acids are of utmost important for an infant’s development, it is better to consult your doctor to see if you should take fish or flaxseed oil supplements if you cannot tolerate fish. Though food is the best choice, supplements can be of use when individuals are not consuming adequate amount of omega-3s due to various reasons.

Safe Eating Guidelines

Keep off from fish having high methyl mercury and other environmental toxins contained in them when pregnant. Methyl mercury can cause damage to the brain, kidney and the central nervous system development of the fetus. This chemical is toxic and is present commonly in predatory species of fish. Doctors advise pregnant women to avoid such fish as the chemical from the fish can pass through the placenta and harm the fetus.

Mercury is present naturally in the environment and may also be the out come of industrial pollution. When this mercury falls from the air and accumulates in water, it becomes methyl mercury. Certain varieties of fish contain more methyl mercury than others because of their diet, habitat, size and longevity. Given below is a list of seafood that can be consumed at anytime and the ones that must be avoided.

What Seafood to Eat and What not to Eat

Tilapia, cod, salmon, crab, shrimp, sardines, canned light tuna, pollock and catfish can be consumed between 225 and 340 grams per week and albacore or “White” tuna can be consumed up to 170 grams per week. 

  • Avoid consuming shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tile fish, raw fish (including sushi, sashimi, ceviche and carpaccio) due to food poisoning risk and refrigerated smoked seafood due to listeria risk.

Quality Matters

Analyze local advisories for food safety alerts before consuming locally caught fish. If you are not sure about the safety of these fishes, be smart to limit consumption of local seafood to 170 grams a week.

Quality fish has these characteristics: 

  • Bright, clear eyes. 
  • Intact scales 
  • A fresh or mild salt water scent 
  • Firm to touch with flesh that springs back when pressed 
  • Cold (below 40°F) with no ice crystals.

Once you buy fish, refrigerate it immediately and consume it within a day or two of purchase and cook it to an internal temperature of about 145°F to reduce your risk of food poisoning. Try to incorporate the tips given at www.firsteatright.com to prevent food poisoning. Keeping all this in mind, enjoy fish for all the nutrition and taste that it provides you and your growing baby.