Weight management is presently a commonly occurring phenomenon. We notice people move mountains to achieve a certain number on a weighing scale. Is weight management all about the number? It is far beyond that. The basic indications of a healthy body are:

  • Body structure and flexibility
  • Healthy immune system, that is, the ability to combat illnesses
  • Adequate diet
  • Healthy sleep patterns
  • Remaining active throughout the day
  • Ability to deal with stressful situations in a healthy way

A prerequisite to manage weight is self-managed healthy lifestyle patterns. It is important to view and manage weight in a holistic manner. There are various strategies that can be implemented in a balanced manner in order to stay fit:

  1. Diet: Healthy eating plays a vital role in promoting weight control. Foods such as fish, chicken, lentils, eggs, tomatoes, broccoli, etc. are rich in proteins and fiber that improve the metabolism rate. Including more fluids and drinking more water can help to maintain a healthy weight. Cutting down on fatty oils and sweet food items is also beneficial. It could also be beneficial to consult a nutritionist for a healthy diet depending on the body type and its requirements.
  2. Exercises: Physical activity is quintessential in weight management. Food creates energy in the body which in turn needs to be broken down for a healthy functioning.Exercises tends to breakdown and distribute the energies therefore keeping the body fit.  Indulging in different forms of exercises for could be helpful to maintain the motivation and consistency.
  3. Right way of breathing: An often overlooked cause of weight gain is the breathing mechanism one follows. It is important to learn and practice the “right” way of breathing in order to help the body function adequately. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system and creates a mind-body balance. Breathing also aids in digestion process as a result helps to lose weight.
  4. Proper sleep/rest: A sound sleep can help to avoid the accumulation of fatty acids in the body. Due to inadequate sleep, people tend to indulge in unhealthy food patterns that are usually fattening or require more time/exercise to breakdown. Our bodies require adequate amount of sleep/rest in order to replenish energy to be used in our daily routine.
  5. Alcohol/tobacco/drugs:These unhealthy substances tend to have a significant effect on your weight.They add additional amount of calories and contain unhealthy fat that destroy one’s capacity to function effectively. It also tends to increase appetite and make one indulge in unhealthy eating patterns.  

So choose your strategies wisely in order to maintain your weight.