It's ROOT CANAL AWARENESS WEEK.At Crowns & Roots Dental Clinic, I use state-of-art technology and my expertise as a ROOT CANAL SPECIALIST , and your normally scary root canal treatment becomes predictable, painless and precise. You save your time, you save your money and most importantly, you save your tooth.

We treat your hurting tooth under anesthesia. Once you are comfortably numb, I remove the decay and the necrosed part of tooth, clean it thoroughly with advanced rotary light speed instruments and effective medicaments. Then I fill it with an inert tooth-friendly, biocompatible material.

I finally give that tooth a crown for full coverage, so that the tooth is strong and safe enough for you to eat with! That's it.

And what's more...the whole thing needs 1 or 2 sittings! Unbelievable right?

So...what are you waiting for? Drop in at Crowns & Roots, and forget pain!