It is possible that you may not even have heard this term, but the truth is that 1 in every 3 people living in urban areas are suffering for “Metabolic Syndrome” these days. This means than that every adult living in city has more than 33% chance to be suffering from it.

Do you know someone, who is suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Disease, Obesity, Fatty Liver or PCOD? Chances are that they may be suffering from “Metabolic Syndrome” (also called MetS in short).

Before you read on any further, I urge you to take a measuring tape & measure your abdominal girth. If it is > 90 cm for an Indian male & > 80 cms for an Indian female, you have a more than 80% chance of suffering from Metabolic Syndrome & you must read this article very carefully.

What is Metabolic Syndrome?

MetabolicSyndrome is a condition where a group of conditions are present in a person at the same time. (The term ‘syndrome’ means ‘to run together’). For a person to be defined as having the Metabolic Syndrome, they must have: Central Obesity (defined as waist circumference >/= 90 for Men and >/= 80 cm for women, plus any 2 of the following 4 factors:  

  • Raised TG level: >/= 150 mg/dL, or taking specific treatment for this lipid abnormality.
  • Reduced HDL- cholesterol: < 40 mg/dL in men and < 50mg/dL in women, or taking specific treatment for these lipid abnormalities
  • Raised BP: Systolic BP >/= 130 or Diastolic BP >/= 85mm Hg, or taking treatment of previously diagnosed hypertension·      
  • Raised fasting plasma glucose: FPG >/= 100 mg/dL, or previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes

How can we know if we are suffering from MetS? 

Frankly you don’t even need to go to a doctor to know if you are suffering from MetS. In order to diagnose Metabolic Syndrome following would be required:

  • Measuring tape (for Waist circumference)
  • BP apparatus (for Blood Pressure reading)
  • Blood Test, for fasting Sugar & Lipid Profile (for HDL & Triglyceride), to be done after 12 hours of overnight fasting. 

If 3 of the 5 above mentioned criteria are present, one is considered to be suffering from Metabolic Syndrome.

Why should you worry?

Metabolic syndrome increases the risk for diabetes by about 5-folds while the risk for cardiovascular disease increases by about 2-times. What this basically means is that you have a much higher chance of being a Diabetic & a much higher risk of dying from a heart disease. MetabolicSyndrome may also be associated with conditions:

  • Obesity
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Dyslipidemia (High Cholesterol)
  • Hepatic Steatosis (Fatty Liver Disease)
  • Sleep Apnea Syndrome
  • Heart Disease, Stroke (Paralysis)
  • Hepatic Insulin Resistance
  • Inflammation
  • Joint / Knee Problem
  • Depression
  • Atherosclerosis (plaque builds up inside your arteries)

In other words, most of the modern lifestyle illness are due to MetabolicSyndrome. So there quite understandably, there are tremendous health benefits of reversing MetS. 

What to do if you are suffering from Metabolic Syndrome?

If you have become aware that you have Metabolic Syndrome (after reading this article) or your doctor has told you that you have Metabolic Syndrome, it is extremely important to take action as soon as possible or your health will continue to decline. Ofcourse the most sensible thing to do is to get in touch with a doctor/expert who can help treat MetS. However, not all doctors are trained in diagnosing / treating Metabolic Syndrome. 

Want to reverse Metabolic Syndrome & all diseases that come with it? 

The current treatment of choice is TCR (Therapeutic Carbohydrate Restriction). Apart from Metabolic Syndrome, TCR is also used to reverse Type 2 Diabetes & Obesity. 

Resisteating carbohydrates, especially the refined and high glycemic index ones. While the cut-off values vary from person to person, most enlightened experts recommend that people with insulin resistance lower their total NET carbohydrate intake to 50 grams per day or less in order to improve metabolism [net carbs = total grams of carbohydrate minus total grams of fiber]. Everyone has a different threshold, so you’ll have to see for yourself. In most cases, carbohydrate cravings will go away within a number of days once you get your carbohydrate intake down low enough. It only takes a few weeks to see improvements in appetite, weight, and even most blood tests. There are in addition some medicines & very specific treatment that are availableto treat the condition. 

Now, I want to ask you one question.

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Thanks & Regards,

Dr Vinay Verma 

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