1. Ask yourself why are you meeting the Doctor? 
    1. Are you thinking of starting a family and wish to meet the doctor for a preconception counseling?
    2. Are you having difficulty conceiving and this is the 1st doctor you are visiting and you need to know where to start the treatment from?
    3. Have you visited doctors before and are confused as to which direction to take and this visit is only another opinion?
    4. You are very sure of the treatment you want and you are visiting merely to start that treatment as soon as possible.
  2. Organize your reports: File all your reports date wise from the latest reports being on top. If you have had multiple treatments done then try and create a flow chart of events with dates and treatments are done. Every good doctor will go through all the reports but by organizing everything, it makes for an easier and more pleasant consult. There will also be lesser chances of the doctor missing out on an important point or event. 
  3. Be Informed: If you are already aware of your problems then it makes sense to read up a little about it online. If you know what kind of treatment you need to undergo then look up the same on Youtube as well as on Google. There is a difference between being skeptical and being inquisitive. A doctor will always love a patient who is informed and is asking relevant questions based on what they have read or learned. The problem arises when you doubt everything the doctor says and want to keep checking what he says with Google or with multiple other doctors. 
  4. Google your Doctor: Look up online for your doctor. When I say online, it includes a website, general google search, Youtube as well as social media like Twitter and Facebook. Not only does it tell you about the positive and negative reviews but it also gives you an idea about the person and the kind of information he or she has already shared on the net about the disease process, treatment, and the center. 
  5. Don't hide and don't hold back: Remember it is this person who will help you on your most important journey. Do not hold back vital information. You can rest assured your doctor will never share it with anyone else. Also don't be afraid to ask questions and if there is something you don't understand, stop the doctor right there and request him or her to explain again.