Everyone wish to have white and beautiful teeth, so when they smile or talk, they will be more beautiful or handsome because their teeth are healthy and attractive. Unfortunately, many people born with teeth not so good, crooked, over lapping or misaligned teeth. Also, you / your child could have problems with the way you upper and lower teeth meet which could put unnecessary pressure on your jaws leading to other kinds of problems. To fix these problems, dental braces may be required. An Orthodontist will evaluate and decide the right treatment to get their teeth to align and straightened. There are braces procedures that must be done by orthodontist for best result.


There's no set age for a child's first orthodontist visit. Some children go when they are even as young as 6 - 7 years, some children go when they are around 10 - 12 years, and some go while they are teens. In children, Braces are usually worn between the ages of 10 and 14; this is the period of development in which your head and mouth are still growing and teeth are more flexible, and easier, to straighten. Starting the process early doesn't mean a child will get braces right away. It just means the orthodontist will be able to find problems and decide the best time to start treatment. Even adults can need orthodontic treatment. 

Dental braces

Please Check in your / your child : 

- Does the upper and lower teeth meet from the front?

- Can you see overlapping or crooked teeth?

- Do you get headaches in the morning after you get up from sleep?

- Are the teeth protruding / coming out?

- Does your child still suck thumb / pencil etc after age of 6 years?

- Is there a speech / pronunciation problem?

- Are the upper teeth behind the lower teeth?

If any of the above symptoms are present, do get your child for a consultation with the Orthodontist. 

Dr Reshma Phulwar