Kidney Disease - Possible Symptoms

When you know the symptoms of chronic kidney disease (CKD), you can get treatment and feel your best. 

CKD symptoms can be subtle.

Symptoms of Kidney Disease are:-

#Fatigue – being tired all of the time

#Feeling cold – when others are warm

#Brown, red, or purple urine

#Getting up during the night to make urine 

- You may urinate more often, or in greater amounts than usual, with pale urine. 

- You may feel pressure or have difficulty urinating.

#Shortness of breath – after very little effort

#Foamy or bubbly urine

#Feeling faint, dizzy, or weak

#Trouble thinking clearly

#Upset stomach, nausea, vomiting

#Feeling very itchy

#Swelling in hands or feet

#Swollen or puffy face

#Food tastes like metal

#Difficulty in passing urine

All these above symptoms are related to kidney disease. Must consult best urologist Dr. Dilip Raja, Bandra west, Mumbai.+919820074649/