In daily activity, normal mobility is of utmost importance,however we do not realize this till joint discomfort begins. Most of us neglect joint pains and approach a specialist only when it is too late. Hence this is the first amongst a series of articles aiming at educating everyone on joint pains and its early diagnosis and management in order to prevent full blown joint destruction ie. osteoarthritis. 

These article aims to make one aware of the complaints they may face when experiencing discomfort in the most commonest joint -THE KNEE JOINT. It usually starts with difficulty to stand for long duration, climbing up or down the stairs, and progresses to inability to walk or walking with a limp.

To understand the causes of knee complaint, it is important to know the knee anatomy. A knee is comprised of 3 compartments. Namely the medial (inner), lateral (outer) and the patello - femoral (knee cap) compartments.Within each compartment the opposing bone surfaces are covered with cartilage which provides frictionless motion. The meniscus between the bones acts as as hock absorber in the knee. The 4 ligaments acts as a stabilizer of the knee joint. All these structures help in smooth & efficient motion in the joint.Pain can arise from any of the above mentioned structures.In degenerative cases it mostly arises from the involvement of cartilage and meniscus which when left untreated progresses to osteoarthritis.The ligaments are affected due to acute injury or in severe osteoarthritis resulting in knee instability.Whatever may be the cause, knee pain results in poor gait and loss of daily function.Therefore it is important to diagnose these complaints early.

Nextarticle : EARLY KNEE PAIN

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