Inflammatory boweldisease

A disease characterized by chronic inflammation of the GI tract. Two  types of IBD include chron’s disease and ulcerative colitis. While chron’s disease can affect anywhere from mouth to anus, ulcerative colitis occurs in the large intestine and rectum.The cause of IBD is not clearly known although abnormal immune response against intestinal microorganisms is attributed to be one of the causes.Inflammation of GI tract can cause several symptoms. Chronic inflammation leads to ulcers in the lining of the mucosa which can lead to bloody stools. The intestinal mucosa loses the ability to absorb water and nutrients resulting in diarrhea and weight loss. Chronic blood loss can lead to anemia which in turn causes fatigue.Patients also complain ofabdominal pain and urgency of bowel movements.The inflammation can lead to scarring resulting in strictures which can further lead to bowel obstruction.  In modern medicine  treatment includes corticosteroids, salicylates , immunomodulators antibiotics and biological therapies. Some diseases like irritable bowel syndrome and celiac disease may have similar presentations and can be misdiagnosed as IBD In Ayurveda Inflammatory bowel disease can be correlated to Grahani roga.  There are 4 types of grahani depending on the doshas and are classified as vataja , pittaja, kaphajaand sannipataja. The symptoms are varied for each dosha but the most common symptoms include diarrhea, abdominal bloating, acid reflux, malaise etc. The treatment approach for IBD will be to reduce inflammation,  to improve immunity and  to prevent infections and further scarring to avoid complications. There are several medications in Ayurveda that has anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory properties. Ashwagandha is one suchdrug that encompasses all these properties .Several classical preparations including kutajarishta , dasa moola jeerakarishta etc can help with diarrhea , bloating and improper digestion for patients suffering from IBD. 

The treatment approach for IBD will be to reduce inflammation,  to improve immunity and  to prevent infections and further scarring to avoid complications.People with IBD should keep a food diary to identify any food that trigger the symptoms and systematically avoid them. Eating smaller meals more frequently can help patients tolerate and absorb food better. During flare ups it is best to avoid high fiber foods, nuts and seeds.