Muscle and ligaments also play an important role in the spine’s long-term health and are just as crucial as bones and joints. Damage to the muscles that support the spine and facilitate movement is one of the most common reasons for emergency room visits and is often the underlying cause behind many patients’ acute lower back pain. .A muscle strain becomes painful because when a muscle is overexerted as this leads to the areas surrounding it becoming inflamed and tender. This is typically when a wide array of symptoms become known, depending upon the location and severity of the strain. To rule out life-threatening conditions and attain optimal healing, it is important to receive a specific and accurate diagnosis for your muscle strain as quickly as possible


Any movement or physical activity that places stress upon the back can result in a strained or “pulled” back muscle. Common causes of a strained muscle include:Lifting a heavy object improperly Twisting suddenly, as you might during a golf swing or other activity A fall, being part of a motor vehicle accident or participating in a sport Repeatedly bending or crouching Excess weight or obesity Fatigue or the overexertion of a 

r flexibility or a lack of regular physical activity Not warming up before exercising Slipping or losing one’s footing, often causing an awkward landing Throwing something Sleeping in certain positions Previous muscle strains m


 a muscle strain can be temporary or long-lasting, depending on the location and severity of your condition. Some of the most frequent indicators of a muscle strain are:Localized pain that doesn’t usually radiate to the extremities Soreness or tenderness when touched Pain that comes on suddenly Muscle spasms or weakness Relief with immobility or when resting Difficulty performing certain actions, such as standing, bending or walking The symptoms of a muscle strain can also be evidence of a number of spine-related conditions, including a herniated disc, cancer or spinal stenosis. activity can worsen back-related problems instead of alleviating them. 


Ice pack 

Heat Therapy:

Physical Therapy and Stretching Exercises

Srengthening Exercises

Medicine (muscle relaxent and pain killers etc)
