Celebrations and gatherings often take you out for lunches and dinners. Parties, marriages and office meeting wire you up all the time and you probably eat out most of the time. You get variety of food that confuses your mind and makes you indulge in eating all your favorite food laden with butter, cream, sweets, hydrogenated flour, oil, alcohol and of course no one to stop you for the portion control. You need to realize that it is not healthy to eat everything fattening because when you eat more than your caloric requirement the body starts to store the extra calories which eventually show up on your back, hips, thighs, hands and chin. You  would not like that, would you ?

Usually you find fattening, rich and oily food served across all restaurants and food chains. The reason why these foods dominate the menu is that they are cheaper to prepare and are delicious to taste.  But this shouldn't let you get distracted from making healthy decisions and still enjoy eating out.

Here are few handy tips that will keep you stay on track. Drink a glass of water before you pick the plate up. Know some of the options that you can choose from when you eat out. If you cant find anything on the menu you can always request the chef to prepare a dish of mixed vegetables slightly sauteed together.

A quick round-up of some do's & dont's to keep in mind while eating out:

Salads: You will come across salads in nearly all the gatherings and menus across the world. Variety ranging from beans, spouts, fresh vegetables and fruits which are highly nutritious and filling too and help you eat less. Add some salt and pepper for your taste buds and savor on it.

Soups: Soup is healthy and a good appetizer. Drink a bowl of soup which is generally nutritious and helps you fill too. You can pick chicken soups too as chicken is a good source of protein and is nutritious.
Snacks: Keep a check on your snacks as this is where most people indulge in eating and storing empty calories. You can still be smart and choose the healthier options like grilled chicken, chicken tikka, sweet corn, fruit chaat, dhokla, fish kabab, grilled fish and something which is not fried and is fattening.

Water: Try avoiding soft drinks and shakes due to the high sugar content in them and just add on to your empty calories and danger the insulin levels. If you drink alcohol choose healthier options. Avoid, beer, cocktails and limit your self to three 30 ml shots of your favorite drink. If you like coke then opt for diet coke or soda with water in your drinks. Keep drinking water for good metabolism and and it fills your stomach too. Choose lemon and soda instead.

Meals: Keep meals light and simple. Choose for dal and some stir fried vegetables. Avoid food with butter, cream and fattening stuff. Eat corn flour rotis and some steamed rice instead fried rice. Alternatively eat simple pasta and fettucini without cream and keep olive oil as your base. Make sure you portion control your meals.

Try eating light and less when you eat out and choose nutritious food. Choose one or two options from the above and don't eat everything. Remember to keep a calorie count. Escape the sweets and desserts and instead pop in a mint or a mouth fresher.