Every dietician says “eat fibre”. Every weight loss expert nags you to eat fibre. Even doctors casually suggest eating it for a range of ailments. Really, of what good is fibre? Dietary fibre is a term used to describe a group of compounds which are found in foodstuffs of plant origin which is undigested by enzymes or other digestive secretions in the bowel. So the fibre we are talking about is the substance resembling a tuft of threads found in fruits, vegetables, Cereals, beans and pulses. 

What should I eat?

1. Unprocessed wheat bran, whole cereals such as wheat, rice barley, rye, millets.

2. Legumes Such as dried beans and peas. Much of this fibre is water- soluble, which makes legumes likely agents for lowering cholesterol

3. Fruits like mango, banana and guava and leafy vegetables such as cabbage and lettuce

4. Soya, remember that meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, fats, oils and sugar contain no dietary fibre.

How much fibre is needed in a day?

Adults should consume 20-35 grams of dietary fibre in a day. That approximately would be two bananas a day, or three oranges, 100 grams of green leaves etc.


1. Easy digestion 

2. Regular bowel movements

3. Freedom from constipation

4. Protection against colon cancer.