Gestational Surrogacy

We will help you evaluate the benefits of gestational surrogacy and provide you with information about cost, legal issues, and treatment protocols.

In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is pregnant with her own biological child, but this child will be raised by others. In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate becomes pregnant via embryo transfer with a child that is not biologically her own. The surrogate mother may be called the gestational carrier.

Once a suitable surrogate has been identified, and the screening process is complete, the cycle can begin. Timing depends on the surrogate and intended parents/ donors menstrual cycle.

Surrogacy Cycle Overview:

Evaluation Cycle

The surrogate needs to prepare her uterus for implantation with natural estrogen and progesterone. Because each woman is a little different, the dose, duration, and method of administering these hormones may need to be individualized. This can be determined ahead of time by conducting an evaluation cycle. This is a “dry run” in which we duplicate each part of the cycle except the actual transfer of embryos in order to determine how to maximize the chances of success. The evaluation cycle can be completed anytime before the actual procedure. In some circumstances, the evaluation cycle can be waived when the response of the uterus to hormonal stimulation is well known. This is fairly common for women who have undergone many treatment cycles in the past.