In my seventeen years of practice I have heard something quite repeatedly " Doc, my cap looks black at the end" . what's wrong with it? I am sure many of you out there face similar situations ,so lets try to understand what happened ? To begin with  we must understand what God created  and what we can possibly do to come closer to his creation .

From our understanding of scientific research it is quiet clear that teeth are porous and have millions of rods incorporated in them  which gives them the natural look .  Try this right now "take a torch put it at the back of your front teeth and see what happens when you light it up?" Yes that's right you see your teeth glowing .

 Can the same thing happen if a metal is put on top of teeth .  The answer obviously is negative.

If the patient has undergone PFM or metal ceramic crowns in the front teeth the crown would not allow light to pass through and give a plastic appearance with black shadows in the front teeth causing a artificial appearance. now PFM crowns are great for back teeth but in the smile window could be disastrous both cosmetically and functionally.

So , what's the remedy? Do we have one? 

YES, fortunately we have one now. ask your dentist for metal free crowns specially for your front teeth.

Metal free crowns are strong as opposed to the thought metal teeth is stronger and additionally allow light to pass through them giving them more natural and life like appearance.