Very often a problem is arising among patients that if there is no pain in my wisdom tooth then why should i get it removed. There are various factors for which the removal should be done even if there is no pain.

The wisdom teeth have an average age of eruption i.e 17-21yrs.and after this age the tooth loses its eruption potential and the various problem arises just because your wisdom teeth aren't  paining doesn't mean there's nothing wrong. 

The TEETH could be stuck,or imapcted.which means they can't break through your jaw and into your oral cavity.maybe your oral cavity is too samll to make space for them.

Variuos factors in which removal should be done-

INFLAMED GUMS:Tissue around the area can swell and may be hard to clean and which may further progress to infection.

JAW DAMAGE: cysts can form around new teth .if they aren't treated ,they can hollow out your jaw and may damage nerves.

DAMAGE TO OTHER TEETH:Those wisdom teeth can push your other teeth around,causing mouth pain and bite problems.

ALIGNMENT:Impacted wisdom teeth can cause problems with crowding of other teeth and even make treatment to straighten other teeth necessary.

CAVITIES:Swolllen gums can create pockets between teeth that help bacterial growth which may leads to pain and discomfort in the teeth.

This article is written in public interest by Dr. Kapil Saroha for consultation whether the wisdom teeth should be removed or not visit us.

For further details visit our website,facebook page or can contact us at 011-47523823.

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