Cryolipolysis is a non-surgical procedure that makes use of cooling technology to remove fat cells from your body. Also known as Fat Freezing. It is a safe non-invasive treatment to reduce the selective fat deposits with help of a localized controlled cooling. This cryolipolysis program is a non-surgical alternative for liposuction. The treatment is executed by dermatologists who sucks your skin and fat like vacuum using probes, in a very comfortable and relaxed ambiance. The whole cryolipolysis procedure gets completed in less than two or more hours depending on the size of the area being treated. Withcryolipolysis, fat reduction is found to be lasting or permanent. 

In this procedure, the fat cells are destroyed by the use of controlled cooling to near 4 degrees C to -4 degrees C for non-surgical removal of fat cells to reshape the body. After the treatment, the fat cells crystallize and eventually die. The fat cells that die off are removed through the body’s natural elimination process. 

After the procedure, you can notice visible results within 3-4 weeks. This is a safe treatment to get rid of unwanted fat without harming surrounding areas or other tissues. It noticeably removes the bulges and redefines the body shape. 

You can get this treatment done by the experts. We use the best and approved instruments that help to get effective results. Our specialist evaluates your condition and plans an effective, safe and result in an oriented procedure.