What is BERA? 

BERA is objective audiological test  for hearing done usually for children less than 05 years or patients  who are difficult to test or malingerers. 

What is full form of BERA?

Brainstem evoked response audiometry also called as BSER 

What are the indications of BERA

  1. Detection of hearing loss in children less than 05 years and difficult to test adults
  2.  To detect Magnitude of hearing loss 
  3. Rough idea of types of hearing loss -  Conductive/Sensorineural hearing loss
  4.  Site of the lesion i.e  Retrocochlear/Cochlear
  5. To study any central auditory pathway defects 

How is BERA done?

BERA is electrophysiological test of hearing in which electrical activity of hearing pathway is detected with the help of electrodes in response to sound stimulus.   03 Electrodes are used to record electrical activity which are reference electrode, ground electrode & active electrode.

Is there any need of sedation?

Yes,in children there is need of sedation. It is usually done with Trichlofos or promethazine

Interpretation of BERA

BERA is objective test of hearing in which electric potential are recorded from entire hearing pathways in the form of different wave patterns in response to sound stimulus. These waves are studied for latency, periodicity, and other characteristics. There are different waves starting from I,II, III, IV, V, VI & VII  waves are recorded. Among these different waves Wave V is most important and most frequently studied.   

What is the Difference between EEG and BERA

In EEG electrical activity of brain is measured and BERA also electrical activity of part of brain is measured but in case of BERA the waves formed are highly time specific i.e waves appear in BERA after particular time after sound stimulus.

What is ASSR and its advantages over BERA?

ASSR is auditory steady state response which have some advantages over BERA which includes it being frequency specific  hearing loss and higher frequency loss of more than 90dB.     

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