STOMACH: Stomach is an organ in our body that digests food. It secretes acids and enzymes, which breaks down food, such that it can pass easily through the small intestine and promotes Nutrient absorption from the food. These Nutrients are the ones which build a healthy Body, which is Disease free and has a strong Immunity. 

So here are some healthy choices which can help your gut stay healthy.

Exercise: Regular exercise strengthens the muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. It reduces the risk of inflammatory bowel Disease and colon cancer.

Drink water: Water helps in moving nutrients in the Body to its right place. It also helps in moving toxins and waste products out of the Body. A hydrated gut promotes better skin and regular bowel movements.

Prebiotics and prebiotics: Prebiotics are foods which consists of undigestible fiber like Fruits, Vegetables and whole grains. Probiotics are foods which have tiny living bacteria and yeast. It is a food for prebiotics. These are fermented foods like pickles, curd, Sauerkraut and tempeh which help promote beneficial Bacteria, by providing food and creating environment where micro-organisms can flourish. Both Prebiotics and Probiotics support the Body in building and maintaining healthy colony of microbes in the Body which supports gut and aids in Digestion.

Have Small Frequent meals: Small Frequent meals instead of heavy dishes at a time, eases Digestive work load on the gut and promotes better nutrient absorption.

Chew your food well: Chewing Increases production of saliva, which contains epithelial growth factor that nourishes the gut.

Have a well balanced diet: Right Diet is very crucial for gut health as it promotes growth of good bacteria. Processed foods, foods high in refined sugars and fats, promotes growth of damaging bacteria which affects the gut health.

Reduce stress: Increased Stress leads to alterations in mobility of gut bacteria. It can decrease good and useful bacteria and increase the harmful ones which can lead to Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Depression.

So start practicing these healthy tips today and make your gut healthy...As "Healthy Gut" means "Healthy You".