Pilate is a form of exercise that works the abs and hips for a better balance in the body and to develop strength, flexibility, endurance and right spinal posture. It is a unique style of flowing stretching exercises that can be done with equipments, especially designed for pilates exercises, or even without any equipment using body weight for best results. It is controlled exercise where the mind controls muscles.

Doing pilates makes helps improve coordination between your legs, arms back and hips. Performing pilates requires a lot of concentration and requires focus on muscles being exercised. Pilates are easy to begin with as have been categorised in different routines for beginners, intermediate and experts. It is liked by dancers, gymnasts, celebs for better flexibility and strength in the body. It focuses on breathing and works the entire body for compounded results.

Benefits of Pilates

  • Builds Muscles: If you want lean and muscular body like some of the celebrities then pilates is the option for you. It works on the whole body rather than one muscle. It also helps build strength in the muscles for more power

  • Mind Body Workout: It involves exercises and movements along with deep breathing. It tones the mind and improves concentration and better body awareness. It helps to reduce stress, anxiety and depressions

  • Strengthening the core: Pilates strengthens the core and hips bringing about a straighter spine and posture to the body. It involves the abs and back at large and benefits in generating power in the body. A well built core give a good balance to the body making normal movements easier

  • Getting Efficient: As pilates works on the whole body rather than a single part it develops muscles all over decreasing the possibility of injuries in the body. The pilates workout helps people with joint pains, back pains and muscle stiffness and is a complete whole body exercise

It could seem difficult in the starting as it involves a lot of core exercises but as the saying goes no pain, no gain. It works your body for fitness and mind for daily life.