What is Lichen Planus?
Lichen Planus (LP) is a common immune mediated mucocutaneous disease affecting oral and/or cutaneous surfaces of 0.1 to 4 % of total population. LP has a potential of transforming into a malignancy with a reported incidence of 0.4 to 1.5% malignant transformation to squamous cell carcinoma, hence it is considered by World Health Organisation as "potentially malignant lesion" (one which can to transform into cancer).
- Exact cause unknown.
- Literature suggests inflammatory immune related causes.
- Exacerbation of this disease is precipitated by stress, foods, dental procedures, systemic illness, poor oral hygiene etc.
- Predominantly seen affecting females than males. occurrence in children is rare
- Age group: 30-70 years
- Appears usually as white slight raised plaques or papule with interlacing white lines on an erythematous background. Can also appear atrophic with areas of ulceration, redness and white striae
- Usually occurs bilaterally
- Commonly seen on cheek mucosa followed by gingiva, tongue and vestibule
- Symptoms: mild to severe burning sensation usually on having spicy food, pain, interference while speaking, chewing or swallowing
What is the TREATMENT?
- Proper diagnosis
- Elimination of causative factor
- Pharmacological management
- Surgical management
- Periodic follow up a must