Homeopathy is one of the largest systems practiced all over the world. However still some misconceptions about homeopathy prevail. There are also critical remarks made by non-homeopathic and non-medical people. Only beneficiaries of homeopathy are aware of the homeopathy system. Let us see the myths and facts related to homeopathy:

1. Myth: Homeopathic system takes a long time to cure or relieve the diseases

Fact: Time taken by homeopathic treatment depends on the stage the patient approaches for homeopathic treatment. Chronic diseases with suppression takes a longer course of time. Homeopathic treatment taken at an early stage would take a shorter duration of time.

2. Myth: Homeopathic treatment does not cater to acute diseases

Fact: Homeopathy treats acute cases of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, cold with an instant relief. Immediate hospitalizations and specialized care are medical emergencies. Homeopathic treatment cannot cure these.

3. Myth: Homeopathic medicines contain steroids

Fact: Homeopathic pharmacy delivering to consumers adhere to strict quality controls and standardizations. Homeopathic medicines are natural. These medicines therefore have no side effects.

4. Myth: Homeopathic treatment aggravates the condition of the disease

Fact:  The disease selection of remedies is done after analyzing  the underlying condition. Homeopathy medicines bring the diseases to the surface before curing it. Aggravation of homeopathy disappears in course of the treatment.

5. Myth: Self- medication in Homeopathic treatment is harmless

Fact: Homeopathic medicines have a wide range of actions and applications. Not knowing about the pharmacology of a particular medicine before taking it can be harmful and would cause side effects for a longer duration. It is always recommended to consult a homeopathic doctor before consuming any homeopathic medicine. After having a look at one’s symptoms and analyzing past medical history of a patient, homeopath prescribes a treatment. A homeopath also takes a look at patient's past medical history.

Treatment is inclusive of curing physical as well as the mental feeling of a patient.