Over the past century, we have seen an entire generation panic over fat and obsess over the supposed desirability of thinness. This is why, any food items with the tag “fat-free” found their way in our baskets. However, truth be told, if you want to lower cholesterol or lose weight, then it’s best to avoid those fat free products. In Spite of our warnings, these food items are fast filling up all major supermarkets, and truth be told, our kitchens also.
With our absurd fear of fat, we often miss out its true meaning of the fat free. What do I mean? According to the FDA, fat free product must have fat less than 0.5 grams as per serving. This will go well only if you eat “per serving,” which means, if you consume more than that, the food item ceases to be fat free.
We can therefore, safely conclude, that fat free food doesn’t help you lose weight, it actually makes you fat. Sad, but that’s the truth. Read more about tips to lose weight.
You eat more!
Sometimes fat free is so taste free, that makers tend to pour more ingredients like sugar, salt , additives, enhancers, thickeners-that all add more calories. Due to it’s taste, you tend to eat more and put on those extra unwanted calories.That ultimately make you more bulky and fat. Which is clearly not good. However, in a way, these companies give you false hopes in the name of fat free foods.
Have you ever tried reading the nutritional label of a fat free food? You will be scared! Most of these products are filled with fillers that does not add anything to the nutritional value. These food producing companies, furthermore, market the items in ways that it appears to be much healthier products. While it’s a success for the marketing team, what we fail to realize is that the chemicals in these product are building up the toxic levels in our body, which would eventually be some of causative agents of many diseases.
Truth be told, while consuming these fat free foods, you typically end up consuming 30% more calories than your regular food. However, this doesn’t mean that consuming less of these similar items or binging more on the greasy stuff would be good. The idea here is to first understand that we should include foods that have good fats in them. For example, nuts and seeds, fish, mustard oil, olive oil and avocados are loaded with good fats. So, next time you are hungry, choose nuts instead of the multigrain cookies.
How to stay away from fat free foods?
1. Shop smart
Remember that not all fat free foods are bad. Consuming in moderation is the trick.
2. Read food labels
Before purchasing any fat free items, make sure that the product is minus sugar and additives. It should not contain any more calories.
3. Keep a watch on your servings
This means three servings of a low fat ice-cream is actually nowhere fat free. You have to stop at one.
While I agree there are a growing number of people with real time problems, “fat” is not necessarily all bad. While it's actually sad to see the society’s miserable obsession with being thin, it is also true that in the modern world, our sedentary lifestyle and easily available junk food, does conspire to make us fat. For those unlucky us, it is important that our diets and lifestyle is maintained under strict vigilance of healthy. Include fat in your diet, but in moderation.