Mouth Ulcers Bothering You?
14 November, 2016
- Mouth ulcers are often seen as round or ovoid sores and may occur in different areas inside the mouth including the tongue,gums,lining of the cheek,palate and lips.
- Mouth ulcers can occur at any age,in both males and females.Some type of ulcers decreases in frequency with age.
- Minor injuries due to biting on a hard object,ill-fitting dentures ,sharp tooth or accidental cheek or tongue bite result in ulcer which resolve by themselves when the source of injury is removed.
- Sometimes,gastrointestinal disorders also result in mouth ulcers which resemble common apthous ulcer.Use of medication(antihypertensives,antimalarials,antibiotics and pain killers),viral,bacterial infections,skin disorders,nutritional deficiency,stress) may also cause mouth ulcers.
- Features which could possibly present as cancer of mouth are those ulcers that does not heal for around three weeks,thickening of borders of ulcer,associated tobacco or alcohol habits,no local or systemic factors.
- Treatment of ulcers can be divided into two types:1)home care 2)doctor-care.
Home care includes
- Avoid hard,spicy,hot and sour foods until the ulcer heals.
- If the food allergen is known,avoid the same.
- Tongue has a natural tendency to explore the ulcer area.Consciously avoid the contact of tongue with the ulcer.
- Drink plenty of fluids.
- Take a well-balanced diet.
- Use soft toothbrush to avoid pain while brushing.
- Maintain good oral hygiene.
- If ulcers seem to be associated with stress,reduce stress and anxiety.
Doctor care includes
- Identification and treatment of the underlying cause.
- Symptomatic treatment.
- Use of anti microbial mouthwashes.
- Use of analgesic gels.
- Use of steroid gels or tablets.
- If medication is prime cause of ulcer,dentist will shift to alternate drugs or change the dosage of current drugs.
- Siri Dental Hospital offers all dental services. Visit us as
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