The invisible pressure which as mothers we have started putting on ourselves is tremendous, actually overwhelming. To add to it, the humane judgmental nature and itch to classify good vs bad.

Being a paediatrician, every day I encounter mother's who have underlying stress /dilemma of whether they are able to meet the demands of being a good mother.

The growth of a child; both physically and mentally happens to be a dynamic process. You have to take daily clues and adjust accordingly. Only a calm, composed and a happy mind, with no pressure of being judged can do that.

Your responses to your child which were excellent/appropriate at one time may actually be doing harm in a different time/situational frame. So just don't generalize maternal responsibility as that of a hard-working, sacrificing, unconditionally loving, multitasking -as that of being a perfect mother. Understand that how a child would turn out as an adult is a multifactorial thing.

So just weed out negativity from the wonderful experience called motherhood; it's not some target to be achieved but something beautiful to be felt or at least sprinkle it with some relaxed, happy optimistic attitude.