After extensive research into the effectiveness of homoeopathic remedies for general good health and vitality of human organs and factors influencing their functional health, we have developed a fitness program for all ages and a wide range of diseases. The age-old method to detox is fasting, but in cases where advancement in pathology has established tissue level changes, homoeopathy proves to have miraculous effect in bringing back the vitality and exhibit to life. 

  • Kidney Detox: Most functional changes in the kidney function is reflected in our skin and joint conditions. All eczema and psoriasis have dysfunctional micro mineral balance. Day to day medicinal consumption (painkillers) directly influences its function and damages it's optimal effectiveness. A detox is a must to keep skin glowing and bones healthy.
  • Liver Detox: The vital changes in liver overloaded with fat influences it's function drastically. Homoeopathic liver detox helps revive the functions and bring about liver juices flowing freely. It reduces the concentration of cholesterol and prevents gallery stone formations.

Many more detoxes are available after analysis of symptoms providing key to understanding the depth and damage of tissues.

  • Cancer prevention detox
  • Eczema skin detox
  • Anti-allergy detox
  • Steroid detox: People who are taking steroids under allopathic treatment should take this Detox along.