Accident or traumatic injuries to the teeth are very common especially in young age group population. Most of the people don't know what needs to be done after the injury. This article can help them to know what to do and not do.

If anyone can face a traumatic dental injury which leads to pulling out the teeth (especially Front teeth) then following needs to be done to get the good outcome of the treatment. As it is a common myth the exfoliated teeth are useless but one should know that dentist can put the same teeth in to the socket and fix it, if proper care has been taken of the teeth and socket after injury. 

Do and Don't

1) If the teeth get contaminated with soil or any other thing then clean the tooth under running tap water,        don't scrub or brush the teeth 

2) If possible push the teeth again in the socket or put at least in the oral cavity and rush to the nearest              dentist

2) If not possible to put in the mouth then avulsed teeth should be kept in a following storage media

   a) Hank Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS) (Buy from Medical Store)

   b) Milk (Easily Available)

   c) Saliva (Present in oral cavity)

   d) Saline (Available on Medical Shop)

   e) Water (Last Option if above medias not available) 

3) Extra-oral dry time should be less than 60 min means don't allow to dry the teeth for more than 60 mins

4)  Don't remove the tissues which is attached to the tooth structure as it help in attachment of tooth to the       its socket

2) Rush to the nearest dentist as soon as possible

3) These teeth needs to be get fixed with in 30 to 60 mins after the injury to get good outcome of the                     treatment

4) Follow the instructions after completion of the procedure