Yogurt is a super food for vegetarians containing carbohydrates for daily energy and proteins for muscle development with lots of vitamin C for strong muscles and to lose belly fat. A study at University of Tennessee found that participants who consumed 3 daily servings of fat free yogurt on a 12 week basis gained less fat around their mid-section than those who didn't consumed dairy products containing less calcium. Portion control will push you further in losing weight and gaining extra inch around your belly.

Michael Zemel, PhD, director of The Nutrition Institute at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville has been the first to show that calcium stored in fat cells is important in regulating how fat is processed and stored by the body. The more calcium there is in fat cells, the more fat the cell will burn and the greater will be the weight loss.

Yogurt provide a high amount of protein for muscle requirement and the carbohydrates present in it provide enough energy require for daily functions. It is highly rich in potassium which keeps a check on hypertension and muscle retention. Yogurt with fruits make for a great post workout meal. Honey, fruits and nuts compliment yogurt for a delicious and nutritious meal and be fit.

Other dairy products like milk, buttermilk, cottage cheese also provide rich nutrition and essential macro nutrients with calcium other minerals.

Also as we have always recommended before that for best weight loss results exercise makes the perfect combination. Add crunches, push ups and some core exercises to look slimmer.