Hernia is one of the common ailments that needs surgical advice at an early stage. Hernia is Abnormal Protrusion of intra-abdominal organs or tissues through some weak areas of abdominal wall. There are different types of hernia such as Inguinal Hernia (Lump in groin), Ventral Hernia(Lump in abdominal wall), Umbilical Hernia(Lump at Umbilicus), etc. to name a few. Sometimes, a hernia can appear in a site of the previous operation. Such hernia is called Incisional Hernia. People generally present with swelling in different parts of the abdominal wall. The definitive management of hernia is surgical.

A good analogy is when any cloth is torn, the only way to rectify it is to stitch, likewise, hernia happens because of some weak areas of the abdominal wall, the only way to correct is to repair the weak area of the abdomen. Commonly a strengthening material in the form of a sheet (clinically called Mesh) is used during the repair. It plays a similar role as cement used to make a wall. Contrary to a popular belief, nothing is removed in hernia surgeries. The abnormally protruded organ (or tissue) is put back into its original position and the weak wall area is repaired using the mesh. Nowadays Hernias can be treated with minimal access (Laparoscopic) surgery. Because of the small holes (no big cuts/incision), the post-operative pain is much less than in an Open Hernia Surgery. The patient may easily resume the daily chores of life much earlier as compared to the traditional Hernia Surgery. If you are suffering from hernia consult your Surgeon immediately to learn about the advanced Minimal Access Surgery For Hernia using a Laparoscope.