Ayurveda has a great deal of wisdom that can be applied to children as well. It is an age-old science of life and longevity. Ayurveda works by balancing the body, mind, and spirit. In Ayurveda, each individual is born with 5 elements of nature which are Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Space. The balance of these elements is known as Dosha

There are 3 main doshas- Vata (energy of movement, composed of space and air), Pitta (digestion and metabolism composed of fire and water), and Kapha (structure and lubrication, composed of water and earth). It is believed that every child has one or two doshas which tend to be more dominant and determine your child’s characteristics. 

As a result of their doshas, children have their own daily imbalances. It is very important to understand the dosha of your child to help find that perfect balance to promote their growth and development.

Read on to find out the significant characteristics of each of the doshas and understand simple ways to balance them in your child. 

Understanding and Identifying Your Child’s Dosha

1. Vata Child: A child with a dominant vata dosha is like the wind, always moving. The vata brain is sensitive, restless, and creative. This type processes information very quickly and also tends to switch attention very rapidly. This means that the vata child is a fast learner, interested in many things, but is also easily overwhelmed with too much information. 

If your child’s vata dosha is dominant, he/she is likely to always have a cold, cough, nasal congestion, dry skin, bloating (swelling up of your belly), and constipation (passing of hard, painful stools). 

Quick Ways to Maintain The Vata Dosha Balance in Your Child

  • Keep your child warm; cuddle and massage them often.

  • Reduce beans, sprouts, cabbage from your child’s diet and allow more sweets. Beans, sprouts, and cabbages are cold, heavy, and hard to digest by a vata child and result in constipation or bloating.

  • Surround your vata child with earth tones and soft, pastel colours, when it comes to his/her room, blanket, clothing, etc. This is because loud colours and shades can aggravate your child’s vata dosha and calm tones can have a comforting effect.

  • Use aromatherapy to increase your child’s focus and concentration. Aromatherapy is a holistic healing method that uses essential oils to keep the mind calm and focused. 

  • Children with vata dominance should follow regular mealtime and bedtime routines. 

2. Pitta Child: When you think of pitta, think of fire. A pitta child loves to compete, shows leadership qualities, is outspoken, and gets angry at the snap of a finger. Pitta children are charismatic, athletic, enjoy challenges and have a sharp intellect.

Pitta children are prone to fevers, inflammatory diseases (infections of the nose and mouth), indigestion, excessive hunger, jaundice, excessive sweating, burning sensations, sore throats, irritability, and anger. 

How to Balance the Energy of a Pitta Child?

  • Use water to calm the fire. Allow your child to play with cool water and make sure he/she is always hydrated with water and other liquids. Water keeps the agni (fire) element in check.

  • Use aromatherapy to soothe your pitta child. Recommended essential oils are lavender, mint, jasmine, and sandalwood.

  • Reduce spicy, fried, and pungent foods in your child’s diet. These foods can aggravate pitta energy and cause stomach disorders. Fresh ginger is an exception to this list as it does not increase too much pitta. Cooling and non-spicy foods are the best, like vegetables, fruits, coconut water, etc.

  • Choose white and cool colours such as blue and green for your child’s room and clothing to avoid aggravating your child’s natural fire.

3. Kapha Child: Kapha is the most dominant trait in childhood. It is needed to build growing muscles and bones. Kapha is usually associated with the qualities of cold. Kapha children are slow, patient, and easy-going, with a loving and caring nature. 

An out-of-balance kapha child is stubborn and doesn't want to deal with challenges. In case, the kapha is imbalanced in your child, you will see an excess mucus formation (mucus is a slippery, stingy fluid present in your nose that increases due to the inflammation of the nasal passage), slow bowel movements, a sudden increase in weight, and recurrent sinus and cold infection. 

Tips to Keep the Kapha Balanced in Your Child

  • Reduce mucus-causing foods- milk, cheese, canned food, and sweets.

  • Encourage daily exercise. Find activities that the family can do together.

  • Colours to balance kapha are red, orange and yellow. The heaviness of kapha nature can be regulated with warm yet bold colours.

  • For aromatherapy, use cloves, eucalyptus, and marjoram oils.

Keeping your child’s dosha balanced will allow abundance energy, and happiness to flow in, which is essential for the overall growth and development. Consult an ayurvedic paediatrician to understand more about your child’s dosha.

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