Tooth Jewellery is a new craze, which has come over from the USA. Tooth Jewellery usually comes in the form of small gems and stones, which are fitted to the teeth to give them a unique look. Teeth Jewellery is generally more popular with females than males. However, many males do choose to have the treatment. The application of teeth gems and stones is likened to having an orthodontic bracket applied to the teeth, with no need for drilling.
The procedure to attach jewels to the teeth is very simple and quick, sometimes as little as ten minutes. The gems and stones are fixed to the teeth using a strong adhesive. The dentist will discuss the procedure with you and you can then choose which kind of stone you want and select the design. Your dentist will then clean your teeth thoroughly and fix the jewel to the tooth. You should not experience any pain either during or after the procedure. But if you do feel pain, talk to your dentist. The gems will last as long as the patient wants them to. Some people want jewels for a specific event or celebration, while others want them as a long-term addition to their look.
The cost of teeth jewellery depends on the design of the jewel and the quality of the material.
I have an embedded diamond stud on tooth for quite some time, it is totally non-toxic and maintenance free. Even if one swallows this stud just in case, it does not cause any harm. I'm confident enough to recommend the same to those who are all game to keep a pace with new fashion trends.