Impaction of Wisdom Teeth
The third molars also known as wisdom teeth are the last tooth in an adult (17-25) to erupt. When a wisdom tooth is not able to erupt due to lack of space in the jaw is called an ‘Impacted tooth’.’
Why Wisdom Tooth Is a Problem
Due to evolution the jaw side is decreasing so the wisdom tooth may emerge partially as tilted or trapped half into bone and half outside out of gums. Sometimes they pose a problem when they push the adjacent molars causing pain and damage to them. Sometimes these areas are very difficult to clean because of their location. There are incidences when the wisdom tooth does not erupt at all get trapped in a sac within the jawbone filled with fluids that may cause damage to the nerves of adjacent teeth.
How do I know if my wisdom teeth are impacted?
- Difficulty in opening your jaw
- Swelling or Pain in the gums or jaw bone
- Headache
- Swollen lymph nodes in the neck area
- Bad breath
- Pain while chewing or biting
- A bad taste in the mouth
Truth about the Wisdom Tooth
Pain caused by the wisdom tooth is extreme, agonizing in nature. Most people have suffered the agony of wisdom teeth. Here are some Myths and facts regarding eruption of wisdom teeth.
- Who are they?
Our wisdom teeth are our last or “third molars”.
- Why called wisdom teeth?
The teeth generally erupt at the age of 18-25 years when a person is considered when a person is wiser than when they were younger.
- Why Do they Cause Problems?
- Should The Wisdom Tooth To Be Removed?
More than 60% of wisdom teeth extractions are not actually advised. When they are partially of fully erupted causing problems to the gums, adjacent teeth, jaw bone and nerve only then they need to be removed.
- When should the wisdom tooth be removed?
Some dentists advise to remove the wisdom tooth before they start to cause problems. As in the younger individuals, the teeth are not developed completely; it’s easier to get the extraction of the wisdom tooth. When older people are concerned, the recovery time after the extraction and the healing may take a little longer.
- Better to remove wisdom teeth before orthodontic treatment?
When the third molars erupt after an orthodontic treatment, it teeth may cause other teeth to move, but it is not that common. Is it very painful to undergo wisdom tooth extraction?
It’s not true every time. It is mostly painless in many cases and it sometimes depends on the position of the tooth in jaw. The only concern is the post extraction pain and swelling and discomfort for which you are advised to take the medications by your dentist.
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