Stress doesn't always manifest as agitation, although feeling "wired" is one of the most common symptoms.

Other symptoms of stress can include: 

significant changes in sleep (sleeping too much or too little),
changes in appetite,
weight loss or gain,
memory or concentration problems,
muscle tension,
stomach problems, avoidance of work or school tasks,
profuse sweating,
feeling shaky or uneasy,
teeth grinding or

Managing Stress

Conquering stress starts with being mindful of your triggers or the events in your life causing you stress.

It's important to make time every day for calming activities that can lower your blood pressure, slow your breathing and ground you.

Some ways to cope with stress include: deep breathing, yoga, meditation, slow walks, connecting with nature, spending time with your pet, laughter, listening to soothing music or working with a behavioral therapist. Keeping away from cell phone for unnecessary chats or talks and no over exaggerated feelings, reactions nor totally aloof feeling.

With diabetes, or with any disease, your mind-body connection will be important in cultivating overall wellness. Stress can be fatal, so make it priority to lower the stressors in your life and do more of the things that make you feel calm and relaxed so you can whole heartily concentrate in your work and enjoy with your family.