Smoking affects your dental health and it leads to dental problems such as, bad breath, inflammation of the salivary gland openings on the roof of the mouth, tooth discoloration, increased build up of plaque and tartar on the teeth, increased risk of developing gum disease, a leading cause of tooth loss, increased loss of bone within the jaw, increased risk of leukoplakia, white patches inside the mouth, lower success rate of dental implant procedures, delayed healing process following the tooth extraction, periodontal treatment or oral surgery and increased risk of developing oral cancer.

Oral Problems Caused by Smoking

Smoking can lead to severe heath problems and oral problem and here are six ways that smoking impacts your oral health.

  • Oral cancer: Smoking can contribute to cancers of your mouth, gums, tongue, lips and throat. According to a leading dental hygienist, the risk for oral problems increases for the individuals who are smokers and in most cases, oral cancer is not discovered until it is advanced. It is the major issue for the survival rate of patients with oral cancer.
  • Stained Teeth: A smoker’s mouth is not a pretty mouth due to the unattractive yellow stains which tar and the nicotine leave on your teeth. Over a period of time, this discoloration can seep into the tiny cracks in the tooth enamel which means that the staining may well be permanent.
  • Gum Disease: Smoking abuses your gums in two different ways. It is likely to produce more bacterial plaque in your mouth that puts the gums under steady attack. Smokers have the lower levels of oxygen in their blood which slows the healing. The gums become infected and your body is less able to deal with it. Compared to the non-smokers the gum disease progresses at a more rapid rate in people who smoke.
  • Bad Breath: Smokers have bad breath and it’s not the kind you can zap with a quick breath mint. More than 4000 chemical pass through your oral cavity every time you smoke and many of them end up collecting on the surfaces inside your mouth. Smoking also contributes to bad breath by drying out your mouth and this can trigger the gum infection and even irritate your sinuses and result in post-nasal drip.
  • Cavities: Considering the increased plaque and the gum problems caused by smoking, you are at higher risk for tooth decay. If you smoke, you are putting your mouth at risk for three times as many cavities compared to those who don’t smoke.
  • Altered taste and smell: When you smoke regularly, your senses of taste and smell may be a bit “off” and this will not only interfere with your enjoyment of food but may actually lead you to add too much salt or sugar when eating. One in five smokers has a less precise sense of taste and smell. Fortunately, the effect is reversible if you quit smoking.

Avoid Oral Health Problems

According to the leading dental hygienist and experts, you should brush, floss and tongue scrap daily. Follow a proper and good dental care routine to maintain a good dental health. If your teeth are causing you real pain, then you should visit your dentist to figure out what is going on.


After having gone through the correlation between smoking and dental health, it is suggested to kick your habit of smoking to avoid the oral health problems. If you are suffering from any oral health problems and searching for high quality medical treatments and care at the most affordable prices, then you can consult @Smile Up Dental Care & Implant Center located in Kharadi, Pune ( Contact: 8237802848 & 020-27041188)