Have you gained tons of weight post pregnancy?

Does it seems, you can never become stunning like you were in your wedding pics?

Relax there is a definite way out for you weight gain issues!

I know you got lot of pampering post pregnancy by your mother, in laws and by your other half. Believe me! They did right, as they were concerned about you and your little one’s health.

Its true that the nutritional demand increases post pregnancy as you feed your baby and also there are blood losses. A lactating mother require 350-550 extra calories and 20-25g of additional protein per day to ensure proper nourishment of new born and heavy nutrient demands of mother.

But normally we eat way lot more than what is advisable, and on top of that inactivity cause a lot of weight gain!

What’s the right thing to do?

Remember it took you 9 months to get there so the weight loss is going to be a gradual process. If you lose weight too soon after childbirth you are going to take time to recover and end up feeling tired. And yes, you need a lot more energy so that you can muster to the life of your newborn. If you are breast feeding wait until your baby is 4 months old. An important post natal concern is increased hair fall which happens as hormones balance out after delivery. Eating foods high in protein, iron, zinc, flavonoids are beneficial nutrients for healthy scalp and hair. As a result to maintain optimal health aim to loose between 0.5kg and1kg (1lb to 2lb) a week which will not affect the quality or supply of your milk, or your baby's growth. Losing weight gradually will also make it more likely to stay off in the long run.

Breastfeeding and weight loss are closely related. It meets the caloric requirement of the infant. As well lactation is often suggested by researchers as an efficient means of postpartum weight loss due to its high energy cost. But its important to shed those kilos which is safe for you and your baby. Youll need around an extra 330 calories a day to have the energy to produce milk. However, some of these additional energy needs will be met from your bodys existing fat stores. Exclusive breastfeeding promotes greater weight loss than mixed feeding among mothers even in the early postpartum period. This suggests that there is the need to encourage mothers to exclusively breastfeed as a means of overweight and obesity prevention.

But yes don't going for extravagant fat laden products as lactation may not facilitate weight loss, especially if the patient consumes a high-calorie diet and does not routinely exercise for an adequate amount of time can help with your post pregnancy weight loss.

Chances are that physical changes you notice after pregnancy may become so dramatic that many people refer this as fourth trimester

You desperately want to look like your old self again. However there is no magical way to take off baby weight gain. Here is as an simple and easy way to trim down all while taking care of your bundle of joy

 Eating for two during pregnancy - Cause of obesity in some women

 Follow a balanced diet. Its always recommended to consult a dietician to provide you with an individualized diet.

 Post pregnancy cravings continue - Opt for right choices.

Perform some kind of physical activity regularly such as walking briskly atleast 3 times per week

Post natal weight loss can be your short term goal. But Choosing wisely can go long way in cultivating  healthy eating habits for your entire life

 Ditch all the junk food from your kitchen

 Make time for breakfast - eating breakfast can help keep you from feeling famished and tired later in the morning, and it can give you the energy to be more active

 Trim the extra fat - Fat has twice as many calories as carbohydrates or proteins, so trimming the extra fat from your diet is probably the easiest way to cut calories 

 Complex carbs like whole grains, cereals will keep you full for longer

 Get adequate sleep - One study found that mums who slept five or less hours per night were more likely to hold onto their extra baby weight. This is because when you're sleep deprived, your body releases the stress hormone - cortisol, which can promote weight gain around your belly