Ringworm is a type of fungal infection occurring on the skin of a person. Ringworm does not involve the presence of any kind of actual worms whatsoever. It is so named because of the circular scaly infection on the skin, which almost appears as if a worm is present beneath the skin.

Why the fungi that arises on the skin is unclear?

However, these skin infections are highly contagious, so people coming in contact with those already having the disease could naturally develop the ringworm lesions. The fungi also require warm and moist conditions to thrive in. People working in waterlogged conditions or those walking barefoot on wet floors near swimming pools; public washrooms etc could all develop ringworm based on their immunity levels.

Symptoms of Ringworm:

1.Reddish, scaly or white patches on the skin.

2.The lesions may appear raised and blistered.

3.The circular lesion might have a clearing in the center. Hair loss is a common side effect of this disease. Ringworm of scalp especially is characterized by patchy hair loss where the hair might be bent and broken at an odd angle. Dandruff might also be present. 

Thankfully, there are many effective homeopathic remedies for ringworm on scalp. Though mostly ringworm is treated with conventional medicines and allopathic treatment, there are certain recurring ringworms on which traditional medicines slowly lose effect. Such infections can be controlled and cured with the help of homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is based on the principle of ‘like curing like’. This means, the homeopath takes a bit of the plant material, deactivates it and just like a vaccine, infuses the patient’s body with small quantities of it. 

Popular homeopathic remedies for treating ringworm are: Sepia, Sulphur, Rhus Toxicodendron. These medicines are obtained when leaves of the poison ivy plants are distilled overnight. Contact with poison ivy leaves also causes similar symptoms as ringworms and thus, it is known to be a good cure for the disease.